GFC’s grassroots outreach means everything for a child fighting the odds—and your support makes it possible.
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The Global Fund for Children

Dear Friend,

We can all get behind efforts that transform the world for the better. And when the focus of transformation is on a child fighting the odds in an impoverished community, it doesn’t get more important than that.

At The Global Fund for Children, transformation happens on a daily basis for the children we’re helping--directly in the refugee camps, slums, or isolated villages where they live. Our innovative work through local grassroots partners has succeeded in giving millions of children protection, care, and a chance to grow.

To get an idea of the deep struggle these children face, and the relief and lasting change that GFC provides in response, please take a minute to watch this video:

Watch how we transform children's lives

People like you have supported this crucial work, and that has meant so much for the millions of children we've served around the world. But more is needed.

In the midst of violence, epidemics, war, and staggering poverty, we must respond to ever-expanding needs. We’ve always been able to count on friends like you. I hope you’ll support GFC and make a donation by the close of our fiscal year on June 30. I know you believe, as I do, that every child deserves protection from abuse, a safe place to play, and the chance to learn.

My Best,
Susan Goodell Signature Susan Goodell Signature
Susan Goodell
Chief Executive Officer
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P.S. We are excited about welcoming 24 new innovative partners to our family of grassroots organizations around the globe. Each one has been carefully selected for potential growth and success--and maximum impact and benefit for the children we serve.  Our work is only possible with the support of friends like you. Thank you!
1101 14th Street NW, Suite 420 | Washington, DC 20005 | USA
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